Suryadarshan Height, Tokha-3, Ktm., Nepal

Project For School Sponsorship

Sponsor a School Project:

When you sponsor a school, you don’t just help the children in one school, but in all the schools in the earthquake affected districts of Nepal. To make lasting improvements in the quality of education in individual schools, change must involve the head teachers, teachers, parents, local community, education offices and ultimately the national policy makers that surround and support each school. School Sponsors play an invaluable part in making this a success. Your donations give us the freedom to be creative, come up with innovative solutions and demonstrate them with our school, community and district partners.

​When we find something that works, we collaborate with government schools to scale this up to all the schools in a district, so we impact on the whole district rather than creating certain schools of excellence. This approach means that we can achieve systemic change with interventions that are proven to make a difference.

What is School Sponsorship?

School sponsorship is a great way of supporting the long-term development of education in earthquake hits zone of Nepal. In return for your support, we will keep you updated on our work and the progress of the schools we work with. By making a regular donation, you provide a steady and predictable flow of resources that allows us to plan our work effectively in support of rural schools and make the most of your gift. We use your donation to make schools a better place for children to learn and grow, through strengthening the skills of teachers, head teachers, communities and district education officials. This method is effective and leads to lasting change, but it takes time. That is why the regular support provided by school sponsors makes a real difference.

Sponsoring a school costs $US100/per month. Each individual and company who wants to help the vulnerable children at school can contact us at: and can Donate through direct bank transfer mentioned at Donation section of the website. Your help is counted and heartily welcome. The children who are from earthquake hits area of Nepal and struggling to study in a low standard school with traditional educational system are targeted to sponsor.

​School Sponsors play an invaluable part in making FROH work a success. Your donations give us the freedom to be creative, come up with innovative solutions and demonstrate them with our school, community and district partners.

​Your Support Can Be Used:
Train teachers so that children learn more in the classroom.

Train and support head teachers to be better managers, make best use of their resources and plan effectively.

Support schools and communities to keep girls and marginalized children in school.

Provide local language books so children can experience the joy of reading.

Help communities to understand how their school should be performing, and support them to work to make the school better.

Provide district education authorities with the tools, training and support to assess the performance of each school and to guide their long term plans for improvement.

Support the schools to tackle health challenges such as sanitation and nutrition.

​The way we work enables us to reach as many schools and children as possible in a sustainable way, so we make the most of your donation. We might not always be able to send you update on the same school, but we are committed to keeping School Sponsors up to date with our work and the impact it has on children, teachers and communities in earthquake affected area of Nepal.

​If you are interested to sponser the school in Nepal, Please send us message through below message box.

Project For School Sponsorship